Excellent attendance is key to a pupils progress in learning and success in examinations and outcomes. Attending the academy each day sets important habits for further education and later life. Statistics have shown that pupils with an attendance rate of 97% or above will go on to earn on average £750,000 more in their life time than those who are classed as Persistently Absent (below 90%). Across the Trust, the target for attendance for all pupils is at least 97%. At Epworth Primary Academy, pupils are able to earn Attendance Awards on a termly basis.
We aim for every pupil to attend school every day. Parents are key to ensuring that their children attend school and we expect them to support the Academy in this.
If you have any questions or would like further support with your child's attendance, please do not hesitate to get in contact with a member of the Academy team
We understand that children are sometimes ill. If your child is ill, please let us know as soon as possible on the morning of the first day and every subsequent day of absence that your child will not be at academy and ideally no later than 8:45am.
We operate a 'first contact' system and will contact you if we haven't heard why your child is not present. This is to help us know that all our students are safe and accounted for.
There are two possible types of absence - authorised and unauthorised. Absence is authorised in the case of illness, agreed religious observances and exceptional circumstances. If we are not given any reason for the absence, we cannot authorise it.
Leave of Absence
The Principal has the discretion to grant leave, but only under exceptional circumstances. As a guide, exceptional circumstances are considered to be those which are unlikely to happen again during the time that a child is at the Academy. In such circumstances a leave of absence form must be completed, giving details and supporting evidence, prior to the absence, and at least 10 working days before the required leave. Retrospective consent will not be given. An application form to request a leave of absence can be found using the link below or obtained from the office prior to the absence.
Leave of absence will not be granted for the purpose of a family holiday.
Any absence taken without the permission of the Principal will be recorded as unauthorised in the Academy register, which is a legal document. Penalty notices will be used under section 23 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 as an alternative to prosecution, for failing to ensure your child's regular attendance at the academy, and may be issued to parents/carers by the Local Authority where a student has at least 10 academy sessions (half days) recorded as unauthorised absence due to taking leave of absence in academy term time.